Target Phonics

Educational phonics games for children allowing various scenarios for content selection and three games to choose from.

  • Grame Board (2 player)
  • Image Cards
  • Word Cards

PDF - Job summary

(Demo versions of games for promation)

Gypsy Animation
Promotional campaign consisting of a Gypsy fortune teller in regards to love, wealth, and the spirit world. This large scale production entailed 3D & 2D animation, voice overs (actor), sound effects, database driven fortunes, and viral marketing techniques.
E Prize animation
Simple interactive game to lottery money and gather email addresses.
Flash Game
Game Development for Scrath-off prize, Eprize.com was the contractual company.
Technical Animation
Displaying the electrical current of an electrical cars current engine. The speed of the animation can be changed dynamically by sliding the Tab above "slow". You can also stop the animation by clicking the button "start".
Technical Animation
Simulation of electrical engine within a car. The speed of the animation can be changed dynamically by moving the Tab within the slider, and can paused at any time by clicking the "stop" button. This animation also incorporates a motion blur as the speed increases.
Findling Law Firm
This forward thinking legal firm wanted to add dynamic content to showcase their site.